Physics Online Games
Welcome to my Downloads Page. You can download some of my files that are worthy of sharing here.
Windows Vista , SP3, .NET Framework 3 - 4 Required for some of these downloads.

Tool_Duplicator Fail!


Web Browser. v1 (v2 Work in Progress)

My Minimal web browser. Suprisingly fast. Believe it or not. Its faster than Chrome or IE8
Click Picture to download. (Windows Vista SP3 .NET Framework 3 + Required) (Windows 7 Incompatible)

Keylogger (Non virus) (v5)

Virus scan it if you want. Its got NO dangerous files in it. I'm tired of people saying it has.
Find out what your kids have been up to, or get some school passwords ;)
Just download, Extract to documents. Then run the .exe and minimise it. Ask someone to log you in on a website, eg; Runescape accounts, Blockland forum, youtube, Crap like that.
(Requires Windows Vista, SP3 and .NET Framework 3 +) (Windows 7 Incompatible)

Unreal Tournament 1999 Game of the Year Edition

Yep its here. The Old FPS game with a Huge community ;)
Gamemodes include:
Team Deathmatch
Capture the Flag
(Requires Windows XP or Windows Vista, DirectX 8 or higher, Mouse) (Windows 7 Incompatible)
Open Using WinRAR and run Setup.exe
LIMITED TIME ONLY! Grab it while you can!
This took 7 hours to upload. If the link has expired, bad luck. I'm not uploading again Sorry